
Note: there are two different kinds of arcs, ones for N&S, and standard arcs. Check the MASKNAME in the PHU to check which type it is and be sure to use the correct type with the data.

Prepare arc with GSREDUCE


      inimages = "ga*"           Input GMOS images or list
      (outimages = "")	         Output images or list
      (outpref = "gs")	         Prefix for output images
     *(fl_over = no)             Subtract overscan level
     *(fl_trim = yes)            Trim off the overscan section
     *(fl_bias = yes)            Subtract bias image
      (fl_gscrrej = no)          Clean images for cosmic rays
      (fl_dark = no)             Subtract (scaled) dark image
     *(fl_flat = no)             Apply flat field correction
     *(fl_gmosaic = yes)         Mosaic science extensions
     *(fl_fixpix = no)           Interpolate across chip gaps if mosaicing
     *(fl_gsappwave = yes)       Run gsappwave on reduced image
     *(fl_cut = yes)             Cut slits into separate spectra if mosaicing
      (fl_title = yes)           Put object id in title of cut spectra (MOS only)
      (fl_vardq = no)            Create variance and data quality frames
     *(bias = "bias.fits")       Bias image name

==> gsreduce fl_over- fl_trim+ fl_bias+ fl_gmos+ fl_gsap+ fl_cut+

- GSWAVELENGTH both arcs seperately

- bad lines: 6057.5, 6298, 6306.65, 6368, 6482.27, 7313, 7352.9
6058.7, 6307, 6368, 6482, 7313, 7352.9, 6298?

- Gemini South: bad lines = 6033, 6058, 6113, 6367, 6482, 7313, 7385

It may be a good idea to print wavelength calibration lines and trace for future reference.

=> 2 gsga (with two central wavelengths)
cleanup: mv ga* proc_images/

Page last modified on Friday 22 of January, 2010 17:49:04 EST