
Astrophysics Jobs Rumor Mill - Postdoc & Term

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Postdoc or term positions

Place/Institution (alphabetical) Matches (in boldface if accepted)Describe
51 Pegasi b Fellowship in Planetary Astronomy (link)

Application deadline Oct 13, 2017. Some rejections sent on Dec. 15. Accepted fellowships (eight) listed here. 

Update #2: Statement from HSF responding to feedback.

Wiki Admin update: The foundation has been contacted by numerous community members regarding the dirth of representation from under-represented groups among the fellows. Pls use Twitter #HSF51Pegb to discuss and not this page.

Aachen University: postdoc in Theoretical Cosmology (ad) Application deadline Dec 15, 2017. Offer made and accepted.
Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ad) Application deadline Nov. 15 2017. At least one offer made to Haifeng Yang.

Postdoc - ultralight dark matter dynamics, University of Auckland (ad)

Applications deadline Dec 15, 2017 (but will be accepted until position filled). Some interviews scheduled.
AIP Potsdam Schwarzschild Fellowship (ad) Application deadline Nov. 30, 2017. Any news? Waitlist includes Sarah Pearson.
AIP Potsdam Postdoctoral Research Positions in Theoretical Astrophysics and/or Cosmology (ad) Application deadline Nov. 30, 2017
Anton Pannekoek Institute for Astronomy at the University of Amsterdam: Postdoctoral researcher in Protoplanetary Disk Research (ad) Due December 15th, 2017.  Offer made 2/17
Two postdoctoral fellowships in cosmology at the University of Oslo (ad) Application deadline Dec. 22, 2017. Any news?
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Astrophysics at the University of Oslo (ad) Application deadline Dec. 22, 2017. Any news?

Postdoctoral position in Cosmology/Astroparticle Physics, Padova, Italy, INFN InDark Research Group (ad, ad)

Deadline November 15, 2017. Offer made to Benjamin Wallisch
Argonne National Laboratory: Multiple postdoctoral positions and fellowships in cosmology and advanced computing (ad) Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, with a deadline of December 15, 2017. Some interviews scheduled including Weikang Lin. Offers made to Martina Gerbino, Nesar Ramachandra, Malin Renneby.

Ariel University - Postdoctoral Position in Massive Stars / Binary Stars (w/ Kashi) (ad)

Position open until filled.
Arizona State University: Exploration Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad) Applications due Nov. 15, 2017.  Offers made, including Melodie Kao.

Arizona State University: SPARCS (Star Planet Activity Research CubeSat) Postdoctoral Researcher (ad)

Applications due Feb. 23, 2018

Arizona State University: Redshifted 21cm Observations and/or Instrumentation (ad)

Applications due Dec. 1, 2017

Australian National University: two postdoctoral fellowships in stellar physics and Galactic archaeology (w/ Asplund) (ad, ad)

Applications due Feb. 6, 2018. Two offers made, both accepted.
Australian National University: postdoctoral position in computational astrophysics (w/ Federrath) (ad)

Applications due Dec. 15 2017. Any news?

Shortlisting in process. Any news?

Ben-Gurion University: two postdoctoral positions (new ad) Three offers made and accepted.

Bernoulli Postdoctoral Fellowship (Jointly at Oxford and Bern/CSH)

Offer made.
Bolton Fellowship, CSIRO (ad) Applications due Oct. 31, 2017. Shortlist made, interviews week of Nov 20. 2 offers made Nov 29. One offer declined Jan 5.
Brigham Young University: Visiting Faculty and Industry Outreach (ad) Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, with a deadline of November 1, 2017
Brookhaven National Laboratory: observational cosmology with focus on LSST (job #1 here) Applications due Dec 11.
Brookhaven National Laboratory: machine learning and statistics for cosmology (job #2 here) Applications due Dec 11.
Caltech: Burke Prize Theory Postdoctoral Fellowships (astronomy & physics theory; ad) Applications due Nov 15. Any news? Rejections sent Feb. 26.
Caltech: Postdoctoral Fellowships in Time-Domain Astronomy (ad) Applications due Dec 15. Some invitations for interviews sent on Jan 5. At least one offer made and accepted
Caltech: Postdoctoral Research Position in Young Stars (w/Hillenbrand )
Applications considered beginning 15 October. Offer made to Michael Kuhn. Accepted?
Caltech: Prize Postdoctoral Fellowships in Experimental Physics or Astrophysics (ad) Applications due Nov 3. Rejections sent. At least one offer made and accepted.
Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, postdoctoral fellowship (ad) and research associate positions (ad) Applications due Nov 15. Offers made to Fani Dosopoulou, Katie Breivik, Ke Fang, Pavel Motloch, Sarah Pearson. Rejections sent.
Carnegie Fellowships Applications due Nov 15. Invitations for interviews sent Dec 18.  Offers made, including Luke Zoltan Kelley, Ylva Götberg (Alvin E. Nashman Fellow in Theoretical Astrophysics), Alicia Lanz. Possibly more.
Carnegie, extragalactic, w/ Mulchaey and Rudie (ad) Applications due Jan 1. Interviews held (15-19th Jan), offers expected by 26th Jan. Offers made and accepted; all applicants have been notified.
Carnegie, dark matter theory, w/ Benson (ad) Applications due Feb 15.
Carnegie-Princeton Fellowship Some invitations for interviews sent.
Carnegie Mellon University, McWilliams Fellowship (ad) Offers made to Quirong Zhu, Arya Farahi.
CERN fellowships Some offers sent, including Alvise Raccanelli
CEICO Junior Research position, Prague (ad) Applications due March 31, 2018
CfA Postdoctoral Fellowship Any offer made? Some rejections sent.
Clay Fellowship at CfA (ad) Applications due Oct 30. Anyone shortlisted? Some rejections sent. Offer made to Daniel Tamayo and one other and accepted.
Clemson: Postdoctoral Fellowship in high-energy astrophysics (ad) Applications due Dec. 1.  Position cancelled for the present cycle, with possible reposting later.
Cornell: Research associate in cosmology (ad) Applications due Dec. 31
Crete (FORTH / U. of Crete): 3 ERC - PASIPHAE postdoctoral positions on multiple subjects (ad) Positions open until filled, applications review starts on February 15th
CSH Fellowship in Solar System Science (ad) 3 candidates shortlisted for Solar System science position. 2 offers made, rejections sent.
Dublin City University: Postdoc Opportunities in Computational Astrophysics (w/Downes & Regan; ad). Fellowships are through the Irish Research Council. Applications due November 30
Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK Postdoctoral Research Associate (w/Sijacki; ad ) Applications due Nov 20.
Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK Postdoctoral Research Associate (w/Reynolds; ad ) Applications due Dec 15. Any news? No news yet?

DARK Fellowships at the Niels Bohr Institute (ad)

Applications due 15 December 2017.

Shortlisted candidates contacted on Jan 22.

DAWN Fellowship at the Cosmic Dawn Center (ad)

Applications due 4 December 2017. Shortlist contacted Jan 14. At least some interviews held.

University of Delaware Annie Jump Cannon Fellowship

Due February 20. Any news?  Some rec letters requested.              03/30 shortlist notified. Interviews weeks of April 15 and 22. 5 shortlisted?

DIRAC Institute of the University of Washington, postdocs and fellowships, 5 positions in total (ad and ad)

Applications due 31 December, 2017. Offer(s) made.

Donostia International Physics Center. Spain. ERC Postdoc in cosmology with R. Angulo (ad) Applications due Jan 15th, 2018 
Dunlap Fellowship - University of Toronto (ad)

Deadline November 1, 2017. Some rejections sent on Dec. 13th. Three offers made, waitlist notified. At least two new people on the waitlist.

Offers accepted by Carl Ziegler and Allison Man.

EPFL: Postdoctoral position in Wide Field Cosmology Surveys (ad)

Deadline 8th Jan 2018. Offer made and accepted
ERC EXOKLEIN 4-year postdoc in exoplanet carbon cycles (Kevin Heng's group) (ad) Deadline on 31st Jan 2018.
ESO Fellowship. Positions in Chile and Germany.

Applications due Oct 15.

Some interview invitations for Garching received. (27 Nov). Some offers made (14 Dec), including Jorryt Matthee and Rosita Kokotanekova.

Some interview invitations for Chile received (25 Nov). Some offers and rejections received (05/12)

ESO, Dynamical Archaeology (ad)

Applications due 30 November. Shortlist contacted, interviews concluded Jan 23rd. At least one offer made to Laura Watkins

ETH Zurich Zwicky Prize Fellowship (ad) Deadline 1st December. Any news? At least one offer accepted
Fermilab, Theoretical Astrophysics (ad) Offers made, including Benjamin Wallisch
Flatiron Research Fellow, CCA (ad)

First round of offers made (22 Dec), including Sarah Pearson. Rejection letters, waiting list notification or offers made to all applicants. Rejection received Jan 22.

Florida State University.  Provost Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (ad). 10 positions competed in all academic areas, including opportunity in astrophysics  with Hsiao or Huffenberger. Review of applications will start March 1, 2018 and will continue until all positions are filled.
Gemini Science Fellow (ad) Selection deadline Jan 31. Offers made? No, interviews are still taking place (Jan 26). Shortlist was contacted on Jan 13. Offers made.  Any post-interview rejections sent? Hawaii position accepted by Jason Chu.
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta - postdoctoral position in dynamical astrophysics, with Gongjie Li (ad

Review of applications starts December 15, 2017

Georgia Institute of Technology - computational galaxy formation, with John Wise (ad Applications due Dec 15. Shortlisted Candidates contacted.
University of Geneva, Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Cosmology (w/ Lombriser; ad) Applications due Dec 15. Shortlist contacted including Weikang Lin
Green Bank Observatory, Postdoctoral Fellows (ad) Offers made and accepted by Will Armentrout and Natalie Butterfield.
Hale Fellowship (CU Boulder/LASP/NSO, ad)

Applications due April 2.

Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, 2018 Submillimeter Array Postdoctoral Fellowships, 1 or more available. (ad) Applications due Oct 16. 2 offers and waitlist sent out. At least one accepted by Andrew Burkhardt
Harvard physics: LSST commisioning with Chris Stubbs Due May 30, 2018.

Harvard:  Postdocs in Time-Domain Astronomy (w/ Berger)

Applications due Dec 1.
Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, Postdoctoral Fellow w/ Bulbul (ad) Applications due Mar 1.
Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, Postdoct w/ Lopez-Morales Applications due Dec 15. Offer made and accepted.
Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, Postdoc in Exoplanet Instrumentation (ad) Applications due Dec 15. Offer made to Surangkhana Rukdee.
Harvard Future Faculty Leaders Postdoctoral Fellowship 

Applications due Jan 5. Offer made and accepted.

Heidelberg University (up to 4 years; Molecular Cloud Evolution Theory & Simulations w/Kruijssen; ad)

Applications due Nov 4. Rejections sent. Interviews being scheduled. Offer made and accepted.

Henry Norris Russell fellowship, Princeton (ad) Applications due November 1st, 2017. Offer made to Vincent Van Eylen.
Hubble Fellowship (NHFP)

350 applications, 24 fellowships; panels met January 22-26, 2018.

Rejections sent; wait-list notified; first-round offers made (1/30). Offers incude Tuguldur Sukhbold (Ohio State), Jamie Tayar (Hawai'i), Danny Goldstein (JPL), Aaron Smith (MIT), Fani Dosopoulou, Daniel Tamayo (Princeton w/ Spitzer), Ke Fang (Stanford), Irene Shivaei (University of Arizona), Ben Margalit (Berkeley), Ragnhild Lunnan (declined), Yong Zheng (declined), Melodie Kao (ASU), Erica Nelson (Harvard). At least one Einstein offer declined.

Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris.: two ERC postdoctoral positions in primordial cosmology (ad)

Applications due Dec, 1, 2017. Offers made and accepted.
Institute for Advanced Study SNS Fellowships (ad) Applications due Nov 15, 2017. Offers made, including Benjamin Wallisch (joint with UCSD), Elena Murchikova. Rejections sent 2/16.
Institute for Theory and Computation (ITC) at the Harvard-Smithsonian CfA (ad) At least one offer made. Some rejections sent (Nov 29). Offer made to Fani Dosopoulou, Rainer Weinberger. Waitlist rejections sent Jan 29
Institute of Gravitational Wave Astronomy, University of Birmingham - Postdoctoral Prize Fellowships (ad) At least one offer made, including Tyrone Woods.
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute,Postdoc in Theoretical Astrophysics (w Thiem Hoang & A. Lazarian; Job Ad) Application due Dec 15, 2017
Jansky Fellowship, NRAO (ad) Applications due Nov 1, 2017.  A total of 77 complete applications were received.  At least two offers made Dec 21. Waitlist notified.  Rejections Sent. One offer declined Jan 5. Offers accepted by Nolan Denman, Ryan Loomis, and Brian Svoboda (Socorro). How many positions are available? There were 2 offers made to the regular NRAO HQ, and 2 made to the lab facility CDL. Unclear if there is a waitlist for the CDL positions. Offer made to Kristina Davis (declined 2/15). Offer accepted by Lisa Locke for CDL.

JILA/CU Boulder: Postdoctoral Research Associate (w/ Madigan) (ad)

Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2017. Offer made and accepted

Kapteyn Institute: Postdoctoral Fellowship Position in Astronomy (ad) Application due Mar 8, 2018.
Kavli Institute Senior Fellowship (ad) Application due Oct 19, 2017. Some interviews scheduled, including Fasiello.
Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology Fellowship, Stanford/SLAC (ad) Application due Nov 6, 2017. Offers sent Dec 23. Offers include Fani Dosopoulou, Alexandra Amon, Jessica Muir, Kirk Barrow and at least 1 other. Rejections sent 2/2. At least one offer declined.
Kavli IPMU, University of Tokyo (ad)

Application due Dec 01, 2017. Offers made, including Kenneth Wong Wentao Luo.

KIAA Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad) Applications due Nov 30, 2017. Offer made to Emma Lofthouse
Keele University, Research Associate in Dynamics and Ages of Young Stellar Clusters (ad) Applications due Feb 25th.
Konkoly Observatory, ERC-funded postdoc position in star formation (ad) Deadline January 31st. Interviews being held.
Goettingen University, Astrophysics (Axions) (ad) Review of applications will begin December 1, 2017. Receiving applications until filled.
LAL, Université Paris-Sud, Postdoctoral Position in Cosmology (ad) Applications due Dec 15.
Leiden Oort Fellowship (ad) Applications due november 15, Interviews taking place. 
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions, Individual Fellowships. Results announced 1/29. Astronomy offers include Ragnhild Lunnan (Stockholm), Cornelius Rampf (Nice), Rachael Roettenbacher (Exeter, declined). 
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPIA), 6 Fellowship and Postdoctoral Research Positions (Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology) (ad) Job Posting page is gone. Is this position now closed? Specifically wondering about Schinnerer/PHANGS group
Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics (MPA), Postdoctoral Fellows, Garching/Munich (ad) Applications due Dec 1. Shortlist made, interviews invited. Some offers made and accepted.
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, one or more postdoctoral positions in the High-Energy astrophysics group (ad) Deadline Feb 1, 2018. Any news?
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Postdoctoral Position at the Infrared/ Submillimeter Group (ad) Applications due November 30, 2017. Any news?
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) Potsdam - "Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity" dIvision, PhD and Postdocs positions in Gravitational-Wave Astrophysics (ad) Applications due December 15, 2017. Several postdoc offers made and accepted.

Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) Potsdam - "Computational Relativistic Astrophysics" division, PhD and Postdocs positions (ad)

Applications due January 15, 2018
McGill University: CITA National Fellowship at McGill University (ad) Offer made to Jordan Mirocha.
McGill University: McGill Space Institute Postdoctoral Fellowships (ad)

Applications due Nov 30. Initial offers made ~Dec 23.

Any rejections sent?

McGill University: Postdoctoral Fellowships in Astrophysics at McGill (ad)

Applications due Nov 30. Initial offers made ~Dec 23.

Any rejections sent?

McMaster University - William and Caroline Herschel Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad)

Deadline December 1, 2017. Any news? Some interviews scheduled.

Rejections sent 2/12.

Michigan State, Research associate in theoretical and computational astrophysics (ad) Applications due January 8, 2018

MIT Kavli Postdoctoral Fellowship in Astrophysics

Deadline December 8, 2017. Any news? Offer made and accepted, but another offer is to be made. Rejections sent 2/28.
MIT Pappalardo Fellowship Some rejections sent on Nov 7. At least one offer made Dec 15 including Steven Villanueva.
MIT - Postdoctoral associate, exoplanet research w/ Crossfield (ad)

Deadline November 15, 2017. Shortlist contacted (2017/12/31:). 2 offers made. 2 offers provisionally accepted.

MIT - a Research Scientist position in the Chandra X-ray Science Center (ad) Deadline Jan 31, 2018.  Interviews in progress, offer(s) made.

MIT Juan Carlos Torres Postdoctoral Fellowship in Astrophysics

Deadline December 8, 2017. Any news? Any offer made?  Rejection received 2/09.
NASA Goddard/University of Maryland - Postdoctoral associate, Time-Domain Astrophysics (ad) Deadline February 1, 2018. Shortlist notified. Offer made and accepted.

Some rejections sent (1/29/18). Some offers made (2/7/18), including Vincent Van Eylen and Kristina Davis (declined).

Any other offers or second round (post 2/15) news? More rejections sent 2/22. More rejections sent 3/19.

NASA/Ames SOFIA Fellow (multiple offers) Second round interviews are being held.

National Observatory of Athens: ERC postdoctoral positions in massive stars w/ Bonanos (ad)

Applications due April 1, 2018. Offer made to Frank Tramper, Ming Yang, and Grigoris Maravelias.
New York University Center for Urban Science and Progress: 1-year postdoc (to study city lights with astronomical techniques) w/ Dobler and Bianco (ad)

Offer made and accepted.

Newton-Kavli Junior Fellowships at the Kavli Institute for Cosmology, University of Cambridge (ad)  

Offer and rankings sent (Dec 9). Offer made to Renske Smit and Oliver Friedrich.
NC State University: theoretical nuclear and neutrino astrophysics w/ Frohlich, McLaughlin and Kneller (ad) Review of applications begins December 15 2017
New Mexico State University Tombaugh scholar (ad) Any news? Rejections sent March 6.

Nordita Fellowship (Stockholm University; ad)

Applications due November 15 (five positions). At least five offers made, including Razieh Emami and Fabio Pacucci. Rejections sent (2/2)
Notre Dame postdoctoral position in Exoplanet Imaging & Instrumentation (ad) Applications due January 21st.
Northwestern University: CIERA Postdoctoral Fellowships and postdoctoral positions w/ Faucher-Giguere, Fong, Kalogera, Margutti, Novak, Rasio, Tchekhovskoy (ad

Applications due December 1st. Offers made, including Luke Zoltan Kelley and Erin Cox.

NOVA fellowship - Structure, formation and evolution of galaxies and cosmology (ad)

Short-list notified on Jan 15 including Eduardo Balbinot, Lluis Mas-Ribas, Fabio Pacucci, Anna Schauer, Jordan Mirocha, Aaron Smith, Alessandro Sonnenfeld, Laura Watkins.
Offers made, including Alessandro Sonnenfeld (Leiden). Waitlist notified. Offer made and accepted at the Kapteyn Institute. Two available positions are filled.
Rejections sent to shortlist (or should be assumed by now who haven't heard anything).

NSF Astronomy and Astrophysics Postdoctoral Fellowships  (AAPF)

Deadline October 10, 2018. Feb 1 some rejections sent. Some waiting list notified.  Some acceptance calls made, including Emily Martin (Santa Cruz), Kristina Davis (UCSB), Johnny Greco (Ohio State), Abigail Stevens (Michigan State & U Mich), and Claire Murray (Johns Hopkins).

Ohio State University CCAPP Postdoctoral Fellowships (ad

Review starts November 17.  More than 300 applications, covering astronomy, astrophysics, cosmology, astro-particle, and some parts of high-energy and nuclear.

Offers made to Steven Prohira and Jack Elvin-Poole.  Also incoming, Johnny Greco (NSF Fellow).  And continuing, Tuguldur Sukhbold (Hubble Fellow).  Search is now closed.

Oxford University - Glasstone Research Fellowship in Science (ad) Offer made and accepted to Sarah Rugheimer
Penn State Eberly Fellowship (ad) Due December 15. Offers made to Emily Martin (declined), Chi-Ting Chiang, and Dan Stevens.
Perimeter Institute: postdoctoral fellowships (ad), Centre for the Universe (ad)

Applications due December 15 2017

Shortlist notified on Jan 7 including Chi-Ting Chiang

Portsmouth ICG Fellowship (ad) Deadline 5 January 2018. Some interviews scheduled. Offer made to Tyrone Woods.
Princeton University (ad) Offers include Andrina Nicola (Cosmology theory and analysis).
Princeton Center for Theoretical Science Offer made to Fani Dosopoulou (w/ Spitzer)

Purdue University: Postdoctoral Research Associate position in Time Domain Astrophysics with Milisavljevic (ad)

Review of applications begins December 15, 2017.

Two positions now possibly available? Some interviews scheduled. Offer made and accepted.

P. Universidad Católica de Chile - FONDECYT Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad)  Applications due July 27, 2018.
P. Universidad Católica de Chile - Postdoctoral CATA-UC Fellowship 2018 (ad)

 Three positions available 

 Applications due August 3rd, 2018.

P. Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile - FONDECYT Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad)  Applications due July 13, 2018.
Queen Mary University of London - Postdoc on observational exoplanets Short list made - Feb 15
Queen's University Belfast postdoc in exoplanets and/or stellar activity (ad)

Deadline December 15 2017. Job ad states that the anticipated interview date would be the week commencing Monday 8 January 2018. Short delay in timescales - shortlisting commencing week of 22nd Jan

Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) Fellowships Some rejections sent. Second round of rejections.
Schmidt Science Fellowship (link)

Applications due December 31st. Semi-finalists are selected and some interviews scheduled. Finalists are informed and the final selection round will occur in-person in New York City on April 22-23, 2018. Any name(s)?

South Africa Square Kilometre Array Fellowships (ad) Applications due September 15th. Awards offered (November 1st) to Kenda Knowles, Sultan Hassan, Tessa Vernstrom, Jacinta Delhaize, Sarah White
Space Telescope Science Institute; Post-doctoral Researcher in Extragalactic Astronomy w/ Rafelski (ad) Applications due December 15 2017. Some interviews scheduled.
Spitzer Theory Fellowship, Princeton (ad) Applications due November 1st, 2017. At least two offers made to Daniel Tamayo (w/ Sagan), and Fani Dosopoulou (w/ PCTS)
STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship (ad) Some rejections sent, first round of offers made.
Stockholm University, postdoc in theoretical/computational supernova astrophysics w/ O'Connor (ad) Applications due January 31st, 2018
Stony Brook University, postdoc in cosmology at the C. N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP) w/LoVerde (apply through general YITP ad) Application review begins December 11th.
Texas A&M University, postdoctoral research position in black hole/galaxy co-evolution, w/ Walsh (ad) Application review begins Jan 15, 2018.
Universite Clermont Auvergne, 2 year postdoc in Machine Learning + Transients in LSST - ad Application deadline April 15, 2018.

University of Sussex, Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Cosmology (ad)

Application deadline December 1, 2017.
University of Alabama in Huntsville, LISA Data Science (ad) Review of applications underway. Search will remain open until position is filled.
University of Antofagasta, postdoctoral position in galaxy formation and evolution with Boquien (ad) Application deadline December 31, 2017. Offer made to Guilherme Couto.
University of Arizona, Tucson, postdoctoral position on theoretical and observational projects with cosmological surveys (ad)

Application deadline November 15, 2017. Some interviews scheduled including Chi-Ting Chiang. At least one offer made to Vinicius Miranda.

University of Arizona, Tucson, postdoctoral position in time domain science with Sand (ad) Application deadline Feburary 1, 2018.
University of Arizona, Tucson, postdoctoral position in UV/VIS instrumentation and galaxy evolution astrophysics with Hamden (ad) For full consideration, submit before April 12th, 2018. The position is open until filled.
University of Arizona, Tucson, Postdoctoral research fellow in numerical relativity, gravitational physics and/or computational astrophysics (w/ Paschalidis; ad). Review of Applications has started. For full consideration submit applications by December 1, 2017. The position is open until filled.
University of Arizona, Tucson, Theory Prize Postdoctoral fellowship (ad) Application deadline December 1, 2017. Interviews scheduled including Weikang Lin
University of California Berkeley (Miller Fellowship, ad) Offers made, including Yong Zheng
University of California - Berkeley, CIPS Postdoct (ad Rejections sent. Any offer made? Any waitlist notified? Any first or second round offers ? any post 2/15 news at all ?
University of California, Berkeley - postdoctoral position in resolved stellar populations with Weisz (ad) Applications due by January 19th, 2018.  Shortlist made. Interviews in progress. Offer made and accepted.
University of California, Davis - postdoctoral position in theoretical/computational galaxy formation & cosmology, with Wetzel (ad) Review of applications starts December 15, 2017
University of California, Davis - postdoctoral position in observational galaxy formation, with Jones (ad) Review of applications starts December 15, 2017.  Offer made and accepted.
University of California, Davis - postdoctoral position in observational galaxy formation, with Bradac (ad) Review of applications starts December 15, 2017
University of California, Irvine - postdoctoral position in cosmology, astroparticle physics or theoretical particle physics (ad) Review of applications begins December 5, 2017
University of California, Irvine - Evans Visiting Scholar in Astrophsics (ad) Deadline November 1. any news?

University of California, Los Angeles - w/ Treu

Deadline: Jan. 21st.  Any news?

University of California, Riverside - postdoctoral position in theoretical astrophysics and cosmology, with D'Aloisio (ad) Applications due by January 19th, 2018
University of California, Riverside - postdoctoral position in IGM cosmology, with Bird (ad) Due January 17th, 2018
University of California, San Diego - IRIS/TMT w/ Wright (ad) Due Nov 10, 2017. Offer made to Arun Surya
University of California, San Diego - CMB (ad) Due Dec 15, 2018. Offer made to Benjamin Wallisch (joint with IAS)
University of California, Santa barbara - cosmology and extragalactic astrophysics, with Hennawi (ad) Offer made January 19 to Lluis Mas-Ribas. Accepted?
University of California, Santa Barbara - exoplanet observations with MKIDs w/ Mazin (ad) Deadline November 1, 2017. One offer made, short list notified 12/17.
University of California, Santa Barbara - KITP - Theoretical Astrophysics Postdoctoral Scholars (ad) Applicatons due November 15, 2017. Offer made to Sarah Pearson.
University of California, Santa Cruz - Galaxy Formation and Cosmology w/ Robertson and Madau (ad) Review of applications starts February 1, 2018.
University of California, Santa Cruz - Inter Stellar+Galactic Medium Program of Studies (IMPS) w/Prochaska Applications due Dec 15, 2017. Any offers made?
University of Chicago - extragalactic w/ Chen (ad) Applications due Jan 1. Interviews held jointly with Carnegie (15-19th Jan). Has an offer been made? Any update? Offer made and accepted; all applicants notified.
University of Chicago - Provost's fellowship in astronomy (ad) Applications due Dec 15. Any offers made? Some short list notifications made. Update: This is a Faculty position (tenure-track Instructor w/ promotion to Assistant Prof), and a listing has been created on the Faculty & Staff page for future updates.
University of Chicago - T.C. Chamberlin Postdoctoral Fellowship At least some rejections sent.
University of Chicago (planet formation w/Ciesla, ad) Review of applications begins Dec 1, 2017.
University of Colorado - Disks, Exoplanets and Cool Stars w/ France (ad) Review of applications starts January 1, 2018
University of Edinburgh - Fellowship in galaxy formation and theoretical cosmology (ad) Review of applications begins Dec 15, 2017. Some interviews scheduled. Rejections sent. Two offers accepted.
University of Exeter - postdoc in theory of rotation and magnetic activity of cool stars (info and apply; AAS ad) Closing date 2018 February 1.  16 applications received.  Shortlist made Feb 14. All applicants notified Feb 17. Interviews conducted late Feb - early Mar.  Offer made and accepted.
University of Florida (Gainesville): postdoctoral scholar in computational astrophysics, with Blecha (ad)

Review of applications begins December 15, 2017

Some interviews done.

University of Hawaii, IfA (Hilo): Robo-AO postdoc, with Baranec (ad)

Still accepting applications (8/2018).

University of Leeds, UK:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics, with Adrian Barker (ad)

Closing date: 2nd January 2018.
University of Maryland, College Park: CTC prize fellowship Offer made to Erez Michaely.
University of Melbourne; ASTRO-3D postdoctoral position in first galaxies w/Trenti (ad)

Applications due January 21, 2018. Offer made and accepted.

.University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; postdoctoral position in theoretical/computational astrophysics  w/Ruszkowski (ad) Applications due January 21, 2018. Any news? No news yet?
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Leinweber Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad) Applications due December 31, 2017; offer declined, search postponed for next year.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - McLaughlin Postdoctoral Fellowship (ad)

Deadline December 1, 2017 (~130 applications received.)
At least one offer made.  Rejections sent

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Postdoctoral Position in High Energy Astrophysics w/Gallo (ad) Applications due Jan 1, 2018
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Postdoctoral Position in Gravitational Lensing, w/Sharon (ad) Applications due Dec 15, 2017; Offer accepted; shortlist and all applicants have been notified.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Postdoctoral Position in observational accretion-powered astrophysics, w/Jon Miller (ad) Applications due Dec 15, 2017. Offer made and accepted.
University of Minnesota - postdoctoral position in supernova studies and/or gravitational lensing w/ Kelly (ad) Review of applications begins January 5, 2018
University of Missouri - postdoctoral position in extragalactic astronomy w/ Guo (ad)

Applications due February 28th, 2018. Shortlist notified, interviews being held.

Any offer made?

University of Montreal - Trottier Fellowship, iREX Institute (ad) At least one offer made December 19 to Emily Martin
University of Oslo - postdoctoral position in numerical galaxy formation and the circumgalactic medium (ad) Applications due 28th of February, 2018
University of Texas, Austin; Harlan J. Smith McDonald Observatory Postdoctoral Fellowship. Positions in (1) star formation and (2) near-field cosmology. (ad)

Applications due November 20, 2017. Shortlist contacted Dec 22, 2017. Rejections sent 1/29. Two offers made and accepted.

University of Texas at Austin, Postdoctoral Position in Galaxy Evolution w/ Finkelstein

Applications Due Dec 1, 2017.  Initial review underway. Offer made and accepted.

Durham University, theoretical and observational postdoctoral positions within extragalactic astronomy and cosmology (ad)

Applications Due Dec 17, 2017.

ERC (IMAGE) position: At least two offers made and accepted including Emma Lofthouse, Matteo Fossati.

ERC (cosmology) position: Interviews conducted and shortlist made. (Two?) offer(s) made and accepted.

University of Oxford: Beecroft Fellowship in Gravitational Physics and Cosmology (ad)

Applications due November 30, 2017

Some rejections sent December 18, 2017

University of Oxford: ERC Postdoctoral Fellowship in Gravitational Physics (ad)

Applications due November 30, 2017

University of Oxford: Skynner Fellowship (ad)

Applications due November 30, 2017
University of Southern California: postdoc position in Cosmology with Pierpaoli (link) Applications due December 30, 2017
University of Victoria, with J. Navarro (ad) Applications due December 31, 2017. Interviews week of 2/5. 
University of Virginia, Initiative on Cosmic Origins postdocs (three or more) (ad)

Review of applications begins January 15, 2018. Shortlist made. Interviews being held.

Weizmann Institute of Science Benoziyo Fellowship Applications due November 5, 2017 (ad)
West Virginia University - two postdoc positions in Active Galaxies/Multi-Messenger Astronomy; Fast Radio Bursts (ad)

Applications due November 5, 2017. Shortlist notified January 4 (FRBs). Any news on the multi-messenger position?

Winton Exoplanet Fellowship (ad) Appilcations due September 1, 2017
Cosmology/GW postdoc at King's College London (ad) Deadline 6th December.
YCAA Postdoctoral Prize Fellowship at Yale University

Deadline November 3, 2017. Shortlist notified on Jan 10 including Chi-Ting Chiang, Fabio Pacucci. Offer made to Rachael Roettenbacher. Rejections sent February 12.

York University - Exoplanetary Science (ad)

Offers made to Andrew Ridden-Harper and Jake Turner.


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