Resources for astro-computing education
Please add links to additional activities by editing this page. We recommend that new activities be developed using GitHub repositories (here is a lesson template you could use) or Jupyter (formerly IPython) notebooks so that other users can adapt and remix them.
If you have questions about using and/or contributing these types of resources, please request to join the astro-comp-ed group.
Python-for-astronomy courses and tutorials:
- astropy tutorials from
- Scientific Python Training from STScI
- Practical Python for astronomers from T. Aldcroft, T. Robitaille, B. Refsdal, A. Muench, SAO
- Scientific Computing with Python from J. VanderPlas, U. Washington
- AstroML: machine learning & data mining for astronomy, Ivezic, Connolly, VanderPlas & Gray
Python introductions, non astro-specific
- Progamming with Python from Software Carpentry
- The Python Tutorial from the Python Software Foundation
- Python track from codeacademy
- Python course from Google
- Python introductory tutorial for undegraduates from C. Villforth
Python resources
Astro-computing in other languages
- Resources for "Astrophysics through Computation" (Mathematica; B. Koberlein & D. Meisel)
- Resources for "Modern Statistical Methods for Astronomy" (R; Feigelson & Babu)
- Education posts from Astronomy Computing Today blog
The original version of this page was created during unconference sessions at the Python in Astronomy conference 2015 Apr 20-24.