Course Notes
- Observational Techniques - Jon Holtzman, NMSU. Fall 2011.
- Note: newest version not always available when class is not in session
- Exoplanets and Brown Dwarfs - Adam Burgasser and Josh Winn, MIT. Spring 2007.
- ISM and Star Formation - Kevin Luhman, Penn State. Fall 2009.
- Dr. Luhman keeps this page up to date as of the last running of the course
- Stellar Evolution - Onno Pols, Utrecht. Fall 2009. (From Norbert Langer's page.)
- Stars with Lars - Bill Wolf, UCSB. Winter 2012 & Fall 2013. Course notes for Lars Bildsten's graduate course on stellar structure and evolution.
- AstroBaki - wiki containing notes from UC Berkeley astronomy graduate courses.
- Stellar Oscillations - Jørgen Christensen-Dalsgaard, Aarhus. Spring 2003.
- Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics - Gordon Ogilvie, Cambridge. Fall (Michaelmas) 2008.
- Accretion Discs - Gordon Ogilvie, Cambridge. Spring (Lent) 2005.
- Computational Astro Hydrodynamics - Michael Zingale, Stony Brook; part of the Open Astrophysical Bookshelf
- Essential Graduate Physics - Konstantin Likharev, Stony Brook (1991-2013). This is a collection of freely available lecture notes and problem sets for the core graduate physics courses (EM, QM, CM, and SM/Thermo).
- Introductory Lab for Astro Majors - Derek Richardson, University of Maryland. Please acknowledge the development team if you use these or modified versions of these materials.
- Stars and the Atomic Age (undergrad non-major seminar course exploring on the connections between stars and nuclear weapons) - Ian Roederer, University of Michigan (developed as part of NSF AAG 16-13536)