Remote File Systems on Mac OS X
OS X v10.7 (Lion)
MacFUSE is no longer maintained; use OSXFUSE or FUSE4X instead.
OS X v10.5 (Leopard)
If you have Leopard on your Mac, then it's truly a simple task to mount a remote file system.
- First, you are best off if you have followed the setup tips here
OS X v10.4 (Tiger)
If you still have Tiger installed on your Mac, then it's slightly more complicated — but still eminently achievable.
What is SSHFS?
- SSHFS is a way to mount remote filesystems on your local computer through the SSH protocol.
- With SSHFS, you directly access files on the Astro network from your Mac — it's just like a regular file folder!
Mac Setup
- First, you are best off if you have followed the setup tips here
Software installation:
- First, you should download the MacFUSE package and install it.
- Next, you need to download an SSHFS package. The MacFUSE people have it: get it here. Keep track of where you installed it (I just use the default Applications directory).
Create a directory into which to mount your network directories. For example,
mkdir ~/atwork
While logged in remotely to any Astro computer, type the command
which sftp-server
While the SSHFS package listed above comes with a graphical interface, I prefer the versatility of the command-line interface. Add the following aliases to your default shell file; in CSH (the C Shell), put the following line in your .cshrc file:
alias sshfs /Applications/ alias astro 'sshfs -o sftp_server=/usr/local/bin/sftp-server -o ssh_protocol=1 -o sshfs_debug ~/atwork'
Try it out
Re-load your shell script file. Again, in CSH you would type:
source ~/.cshrc
Attempt to login:
If everything worked, you should be able to now see the contents of your Astro home account in your new, local "atwork" directory. Just to check:
ls ~/atwork
Unmounting remote directories
- First, close all files and Finder windows that are accessing the remote filesystem.
- Then, just click on the desktop icon (e.g., "MacFUSE Volume 0") and select "Eject" from the Finder "File" menu.
Alternatively, you can do this by typing the command:
unmount atwork